
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Trojan Nuclear Power Plant Demolition

Interesting... Didn't know that we had this in Oregon, did you?

" The 499-foot cooling tower was demolished on May 21, 2006. PGE had chosen a contractor, Controlled Demolition Inc. (CDI), which has safely imploded a number of large structures, including the Kingdome in Seattle. Every demolition bid proposal PGE received recommended implosion of the tower as the safest demolition method with the least community and environmental impact. The Trojan cooling tower is made of concrete and steel and contains no hazardous materials. It never contained any radioactive material, and all asbestos has been removed. " 

~Luai Abdallah

1 comment:

  1. It never contained any radioactive material, and all asbestos has been removed. asbestos remediation
