
Monday, July 25, 2011

United States Map Of Polluting Coal Plants

United States Map Of Polluting Coal Plants

Try out this map

The link above is to a map that shows polluting coal plants accordingly to zip codes within the United States.

When you click on a given city, there will be a short diagram to the right of your screen. On that screen you will have the opportunity to view the Plants Name, Location, how many Mercury per year it produces, along with how many other pollutions such as Carbon Dioxide, Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Hydrochloric Acid and Sulfuric Acid it produces per year. Also, the map states how many people live within 5 miles of the given plant.

Furthermore, the map was created by Sierra Club Environmental Law Program, their goal was to demonstrate to the public how coal plants create Toxic Mercury. Over 300,000 infants are exposed to toxic mercury pollution and nearly 2/3 of coal-fired plants are lacking the proper safety measures and controls to keep mercury, arsenic, air pollution, and acid gases from the water we drink and the air we breath

For more information please visit the following link:

By Rebeca Petean

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