
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Opinion: Thought on homelessness – a modern social issue


Opinion: Thought on homelessness – a modern social issue

Homelessness has long been a controversial issue of the modern society. In any city around the world, it is easy to meet a homeless person on the street. In America, The National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty currently estimates that each year at least 2.5 to 3.5 million Americans sleep in shelters, transitional housing, and public places not meant for human habitation. There are many controversial topics and talks about homelessness. I will demonstrate some different common aspects when we talk about homelessness.

First of all, in terms of economics aspects, homelessness causes damages to a country’s economics: overpopulation, resources to build the shelters and even job competitions (When immigrants move to a new country and seek for new opportunities and new life). This may even result in the increase of unemployment rate, then the income and the GDP may decrease, which potentially lead to an economic crisis. Moreover, people who are homeless are often at risk of infectious diseases—like hepatitis A, B, and C, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS—due to compromised immune systems, poor nutrition and hygiene, and frequent overcrowding at shelters, which is believed to be a sources of disease.

Next, when we talk about the society aspects, it is general knowledge that the risen in homelessness lead to the concern of public safety.  Indeed, the two most common offenses for which homeless people are arrested are shoplifting and drug possession.
In the Mashlow’s hierarchy of needs, the most basic need of people is physiological needs like food, shelters, warmth and rest. Without the very most basic needs, homeless people have to fight against the weather and survive. Beryl Markham, the author of West of the night, quoted in her book: “I have learned that if you must leave a place that you have lived in and loved and where all your yesteryears are buried deep, leave it any way except a slow way, leave it the fastest way you can. Never turn back and never believe that an hour you remember is a better hour because it is dead. Passed years seem safe ones, vanquished ones, while the future lives in a cloud, formidable from a distance.” It is so scary that when you have no place to go, to home to return and be lost in the flow of wanderers, without a life purpose.

The controversial part is that some people think that people who suffered homeless are lazy because they are healthy and they have the ability to find a job. However, in my opinion, when we are put in a homeless person’s situation: no legal document to work, a lot of bad attractions like drug possession, it is very difficult to thrive and make life better. They need an opportunity to make a turning point of their life, like a critical situation that is different from their life, or a hitch.
In conclusion, it is pretty hard to solve the homelessness issue. However, it is true that when a society become better, everyone in that society can be better off, too. When people unite together, we will have the power to solve anything. I believe that, the biggest change is made from the smallest actions: there are many local non-profit organizations that are helping people who suffer homelessness. If you live in Portland city, there is a organization that is helping homeless people in Downtown.
Here is their website:

1.       Beryl, Markham. West with the night. 1942.
2.       National Law Center on Homeless and Poverty. Homeless stats fact sheet. Published on
3.       Mel Trotter. What’s the real cause of homelessness. Published on Mel Trotter Ministries
4.       Emma, Woolley. What are the top 10 health issues homeless people face? February, 2015. Published on
5.       Mustaine, E. E. (2015). Homelessness and Crime. In The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment, W. G. Jennings (Ed.). doi:10.1002/9781118519639.wbecpx282

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