
Friday, April 30, 2021

Three Intelligences and Mindfulness of Homeless Populations

Howard Gardner, in the book, Changing Minds: The Art and Science of Changing Our Own and Other People's Minds, explains that there are nine different types of intelligences that people gain throughout their lives.

Finding out which type of intelligence one can associate with the most can be quite the trek. Sometimes it may be easier for someone you know to help you find out how well you understand aspects of your own intelligence more than other aspects, and they can be your parents or mentors. When I think of going through a state of survival mode and its methods, it requires types of intelligence that might be more resonating than others to develop in situations that may arise. These survival methods are mostly present in homeless populations, whereas they will need more bodily kinesthetic, intrapersonal, and interpersonal intelligences. These intelligences are ones that may help expand the emotional intelligence and its benefits. 

Homeless populations have reasons for staying. For struggling. All of these reasonings, stories, journeys, will be a reality that others can try and comprehend. For there are fashions for revitalizing the state of mind, just like any other person in a place that may be new or old, comfortable or uncomfortable. The mind is universal. Asides from the other six intelligences that are on the list, the spectrum is the same for everyone’s mind. We all have a brain to use it differently. If we try to learn about how we like to connect our own ideas, we can discover these expansions of the mind and apply them towards helping individuals, ourselves and how we can discover self-help.

The ways we can discover how we think, literally, are to apply mental health topics to service our learning, and also if we are to feed the mind with energy, then the mental energy is manifested into productivity and function. Mental health is, also, an issue amongst homeless populations, as wide studies have shown. We can aid this wide pandemic of mental illness, by trying to open up the possibilities of self-discoveries. 

Homelessness affects 17 out of 10,000 Americans, since 2020. (National Alliance to End Homelessness)

These three intelligences mentioned above, may create goals for groups of people to try and make accomplishments for themselves. The reason why I have chosen them is because, when one is in survival mode, sharpening a bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, with proper nutrition,  becomes simpler to start anything. It becomes well attuned, and eventually it re-energizes for a more active future.

Interpersonal intelligence would be beneficial to practice . This type of intelligence involves interactions with other individuals. We all develop social skills and utilize the knowledge to be able to interact with others, it is something that everyone tends to come across throughout life. Becoming smarter with people and smarter with the interpersonal intelligence is being social smart. One of the best ways to socialize and to share thoughts and times together, share things in common, to commune, is with food. There are aspects of it that bring about a different type of intelligence that is innate. 

Intrapersonal intelligence is possibly the hardest of the three. For truly knowing oneself and being mentally well, can be tricky. But it is achievable to be in a place all alone and in mental solitude, requiring of self-thoughts. And it would be strenuous when one does not have the commodities to stay sane. It would require assembly. That when in a situation which arises like being in a mode of survival, the aid for assembly may be most beneficial through nurture. 

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