
Wednesday, June 2, 2021

House-less-ness and Nutrition Deficiencies

  Shazad Ahmed~ When looking at the homelessness crisis worldwide, it is no surprise that food is the biggest fallback when addressing the word "homelessness" aside from shelter. We must first look at the food that is being handed out to those that are unfortunate because the ultimate goal is to uplift these individuals into a healthy state of mind to improve the chance of integrating back into society. Our focus on homelessness is more in the direction of "Houselessness" and "Nutrients" to change the dynamic of the word choice. It was reported by Multnomah county reported in 2015 that "3,800 people slept on the streets, in shelter, and in temporary housing, and an estimated  12,000 people doubled up"(  The majority of the homeless population has malnutrition or nutrient deficiencies. These deficiencies will lead to medical issues and other fallbacks of uplifting the homeless population. The purpose of donation should be of awakening, facilitation, and societal fulfillment to a given population.  A significant proportion of homeless people drink alcohol as a way of coping with their stress. It reports that "reported across studies: vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, A, and E; haemoglobin; and albumin. The most common deficiencies reported were of vitamin B1 (prevalence of deficiency was 0, 2, 6, 45, and 51% in five studies) and vitamin C (29, 84, and 95% in three studies)." (BMC, 2013).  All these elements are hard to acquire if the food that is donated may be lacking those elements for the homeless. 

During these troubled times, Covid-19 has caused many layoffs, health issues, and deaths. During these times, people are being evicted more than ever before, so it's important to donate to those in serious need of survival. The salvation army is here to hold has a donation site for the homeless people in need that need you. Spread the word about the food ingredients and make an impact today!

Donate today @-👇👍


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