
Saturday, July 17, 2021

Homelessness and Vaccinations


    During the rise of Covid-19 and the recent vaccine role outs the U.S.'s homeless population is still deeply underserved in regards to public health especially in regards to the pandemic. Though there are no actual figures for the amount of homeless people that have the vaccine it is believed that it is only between 5 and 15% that are fully vaccinated. This is because this community is deeply underserved and understaffed by volunteers trying to give out vaccinations. Homeless shelters that are lucky enough to have an onsite nurse are just being allowed to vaccinate their inhabitants but even though this is a good start it is not nearly enough. The outreach teams, crucial to vaccinating this community, are underfunded and unable to get a hold of the virus in these communities before new strains and new outbreaks pop up. What is being fought for now is the release of more money to these organizations so that they can do their jobs efficiently and with renewed vigor. This battle will be long and arduous but what is being fought for is human rights and public safety not just for the homeless but for all.


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