
Thursday, August 5, 2021


 One of the necessities of living a healthy and safe life is paying attention to ones own personal hygiene. For most of us it isn't really even something we actively think about anymore, its just apart of our daily routines; We wake up and shower with soap and shampoo, wash our hands multiple times through out the day, we brush our teeth every morning, we trim our nails, shave, clean ourselves up with toiletry products after our business. But these very mundane activities for most of us can be a real challenge for many in the homeless population. 

 Just think about how uncomfortable it is when you finish the business and there is no toilet paper left, you are literally stuck with your pants down. Now just imagine if you didn't know if you would even have access to a toilet for the whole day, let alone there being paper there if you where lucky enough to use one.

In Portland OR, we have a rather significant amount of people without access to housing, and in turn without consistent access to supplies and infrastructure to keep themselves clean. But the non profit Hygiene4all is directly tackling this issue by offering safe sanitized showers, bathrooms, clothing & bedding, as well as foot and wound care and waste disposal to the community in Portland. For a small donation of your time or money, you could help them in their goal, and help you fellow human live a more sanitary, dignified life.


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