
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Innovative, Upcycled, Non-Wood Building Materials To House Our Homeless Population

 April 27, 2022

Innovative, Upcycled, Non-Wood Building Materials To House Our Homeless Population

As Portland faces a rising homeless population, creating sustainable, cost-effective building materials to help all have the shelter they deserve has taken center stage in the people of Portland's hearts. Innovative, low-priced and sustainable materials are needed to build these shelters. But what materials should we use? Wood? Wood DOES seem to drive our nation; we see it everywhere from in the building of most structures to paper products we can't seem to live without (2020 Toilet Paper Panic and Shortage, anyone?). Yet we all know the steep and rising costs of lumber lately; this, combined with many of us seeking eco-friendly alternatives to wood, has led to some rather innovative alternatives. As a Green City and whose people care for all of our citizens, Portlanders want to find these lower-cost, eco-friendly building materials to in our attempt to ensure no one is left out in the cold on the streets. 

Enter ACRE sheets. ACRE is a wood alternative that is water-resistant, strong, and guaranteed not to crack or splinter. It is made of upcycled rice hulls, making ACRE very eco-friendly, both in terms of cutting less trees down and in upcycling goods that are already being used. ACRE is also visually appealing, which promotes pride in one's surroundings, leading to higher levels of confidence overall. 

If you or someone you know is interested in this great product that is beneficial for our environment and for building, please visit for more information on how you can help save the environment one sustainable sheet at a time.

-- Donnelle Clark

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