
Friday, March 17, 2023

Where to Begin

When thinking of homelessness many different topics come to mind. Quality of life, access to healthcare, mental health, violence, families, etc. Within this combined and disarrayed sense of what “homelessness” is, identifying what steps to take in order to get to a better place can be daunting and anxiety-inducing. It is important to identify the subsets each individual faces.

It is a generalization and harmful to assume to know the situation of those without shelter even if at times a generalization may be true. Each situation is often a combination. If we do not know what is going on with an individual, the first step would be to assess the current state of where they are currently. Without identifying where they are and what they need help dealing with, a path forward is just a shot in the dark.

Effectively, just like when visiting a doctor, any help received is diminished when the diagnosis is incorrect. Offering help does not mean it is the right kind of help, nor does it mean it will be accepted simply because it is offered. In the journey of finding yourself homeless, the one question I feel the need to answer is how would one begin to get back to a more stable place. Because of this, I would like to highlight the opportunity for those looking for that refuge and a bridge to more resources at the Multnomah County Behavioral Health Resource Center. 

“A safe and welcoming day center where anyone who is houseless and experiencing addiction or mental health challenges can take a break from living on the street. You can warm up, find support and get help, use the restroom and take a shower. Located at SW Park Ave and Oak St in downtown Portland, we’re run by people who’ve been there and get it.

You do not need to be clean or sober. And we allow pets!”

Behavioral Health Resource Center

333 SW Park Ave (at SW Oak St)

Portland, Oregon (Map)

503-988-4100 (link sends e-mail)

Hours: 8am to 8pm daily


This health center provides those without shelter a location that enables connection and a tender place of care. With showers, low-barrier entry, beds, etc., and an inclusive community that accepts people for who they currently are and provides them with care from peers who have been in similar situations.

Although you may or may not be experiencing homelessness, in the end you are human, and each human deserves to feel like they can be safe. Thank you to Multnomah County and the project coordinators for cultivating a more engaged community.,-122.679454,3a,75y,334.53h,109.31t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sVIEnuobT-tRwwzSCJnpv9Q!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192 *

*The area/building has been renovated slightly. The location is provided as a reference. 

For more information on the amenities provided visit their overview here: 

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