
Saturday, December 2, 2023

Changing the Narrative: Breaking the Stigma of Houselessness in Portland

In the city known for its progressive values and breathtaking natural beauty, Portland, Oregon is also known for another thing: its prevalent houseless community. In a 2022 Portland Insights Survey report conducted by the city of Portland, homelessness, cost of living, and community safety were seen as a priority for city governments according to community members.

Although the community is concerned about homelessness, there is still a stigma towards the actual houseless community. The Ecopol Project at Portland State wants to fight against those misconceptions that can lead to harsh judgment on the houseless community. It is important that we can help pave the way for a more empathetic and compassionate approach that will lead to a stronger community.

While statistics are helpful in identifying a social issue, it is the lived stories and experiences - the personal testimonies of those within the community- that will aid us on our journey to transforming perspectives and dismantling stereotypes. 

Candi Silvis's Story

Candi Silvis, after experiencing homelessness for three years, found stability and a renewed sense of purpose through a rental assistance voucher in Beaverton, Ore. Escaping an abusive relationship, she navigated the challenges of homelessness, usually sleeping in shelters or her car. After three years of uncertainty, Silvis received a transformative rental assistance voucher from Washington County. This voucher, designed for older adults experiencing homelessness, covers rent for up to a decade or until the recipient secures a regular income.

Since moving into her Beaverton apartment in August, Silvis has discovered a sense of purpose beyond mere survival. She's applying to job training programs, engaging in artistic pursuits, maintaining sobriety, and caring for her new kitten, Milo. Reflecting on her newfound stability, Silvis expressed, "It's surreal. I can go for a walk and know that I have something to come back to. I feel like I have a future. "Silvis's journey challenges stereotypes by highlighting the complexities faced by individuals seeking shelter. Her transformation from survival mode to pursuing job training, art, and sobriety underscores the potential for resilience and growth when supportive housing becomes available. Silvis's story exemplifies the importance of understanding the diverse narratives within homelessness, contributing to a more empathetic and informed perspective on those overcoming such challenges.

Nova Honey's Story

Nova Honey, a 23-year-old who experienced homelessness, shared her harrowing journey marked by mental health challenges and the complexities of securing stable housing. Believing she was hunted by the CIA during a period of psychosis, Honey grappled with the lack of access to mental health resources. The survey revealed that 63% of unsheltered Portlanders reported mental health issues.

Living outside exacerbated Honey's mental health struggles, with sweeps, trauma, and interactions with law enforcement further complicating her situation. Despite these obstacles, she eventually secured a rental assistance voucher and was able to move into an apartment. The transformative impact of stable housing on Honey's mental health is evident, as she now experiences reduced stress, improved sleep, and a sense of security.

While Honey's story highlights the positive outcomes that housing and support can bring, challenges persist for others facing homelessness and mental health issues. Advocates emphasize the critical role of outreach workers and increased funding for behavioral health services to address the intricate needs of individuals navigating both homelessness and mental health challenges.

Houseless People Are Not a Monolith

In reflecting on Candy Silvis’s and Nova Honey's inspiring journey from homelessness to stability, it's crucial to recognize that success stories like hers, while heartening, do not universally encapsulate the diverse experiences within the houseless community. Each person's narrative is unique, shaped by distinct challenges and circumstances. It is essential to acknowledge that one individual's voice does not represent an entire group; they are not a monolith.

These narratives serve as beacons of inspiration, yet they should not overshadow the diverse and varied experiences within the homelessness community. Each individual's voice contributes to a broader tapestry of stories, reminding us that they are not a monolith. As we champion success stories, let us remain committed to listening, learning, and advocating for solutions that address the unique needs of every person navigating homelessness.

Getting To Know Your Houseless Neighbors

As we acknowledge these successes, we must also underscore the importance of volunteering and actively engaging with the houseless community. Volunteering provides a firsthand understanding of the complexities faced by individuals experiencing homelessness and allows us to contribute meaningfully to their well-being.

By volunteering with organizations such as Hands On Portland, Transition Projects, or Street Roots in Portland, we can foster connections, break down stigmas, and challenge preconceived notions. Understanding the diverse narratives within the community is key to dispelling stereotypes and building empathy.

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