
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Feed the Streets: Change Happens One Meal at a Time

By Mariya Chmykh 

Food insecurity is becoming more prevalent in America. With the cost of living increasing tremendously, many are faced with the difficulty of finding their next meal. Whether from a grocery store or a restaurant chain, the cost of food can be unaffordable. This issue is especially devastating to individuals who are unable to afford a stable living environment. Without an apartment or house, there are limits to the type of food one can access. In order to adequately cook a meal, ingredients often require an appliance such as a stovetop or oven. Pre-made meals are usually frozen and need the use of a microwave to be cooked properly. If some houseless individuals are able afford groceries, they have limited options to what they can eat. One might say an alternative to this issue is fast-food restaurants. Yet these meals are unhealthy and have also grown to be expensive and unaffordable. 

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The Portland based organization Our Streets is combating this issue with their project “Feed the Streets.” Founded in 2020 by Buchi Asemota and Mikah Takashige, this non-profit is dedicated to providing accessible meals for individuals without homes. With the help of volunteers and donations, Our Streets is able to produce 1,000 meals a day. The contributions of volunteer work is key to the development of this project. As more members of the community learn about the program, more are volunteering their time to ensure houseless individuals are able to eat nourishing meals. 

The kitchen of Our Streets is open all days of the week to ensure individuals are able to access meals daily. “Feed the Streets” is a valuable resource to those who face the challenges of living without a sustainable shelter. By providing nutritious meals, this project reduces the stress of food insecurity. Organizations such as Our Streets, are essential to the community as their work eliminates the issue of hunger for those living below the poverty line.

Image Credit: Instagram @ourstreetspdx

When faced with unforeseen circumstances, it may be difficult to overcome a dire situation. Reducing food insecurity allows for a better chance to emerge from hardship.

Click here to learn more on their official website:  

Want to help? Here's how to volunteer!

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