
Friday, July 26, 2024

Social Workers in Libraries: A New Approach to Supporting the Homeless in Multnomah County

In Multnomah County, Oregon, social workers have found a new and impactful way to assist the homeless population by setting up shop in the Multnomah County Central Library. The two social workers in Central Library are from Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare and they are trained to de-escalate situations when someone is experiencing a mental health crisis. This creative approach not only addresses immediate needs but also integrates crucial social services into community hubs that are accessible and welcoming. Here’s how this initiative is making an impact and what it means for the future of social support in the area.

Libraries: More Than Just Books

Public libraries have long been cherished as centers of learning and community engagement. In Multnomah County, they are now evolving into vital and accessible support networks for those experiencing homelessness. Libraries, often frequented by individuals seeking a warm or cool, safe place, are uniquely positioned to serve as access points for social service outreach.

The Role of Social Workers in Libraries

  1. Immediate Support and Resources
    Social workers stationed in libraries can provide immediate assistance to those in need. They offer information about emergency shelters, food services, and other resources. By being available on-site, social workers can address issues quickly and connect people with the support they require in person.

  2. Case Management and Long-Term Assistance
    Beyond immediate help, social workers in libraries engage in case management to support individuals in their journey towards stability. They work with clients to develop personalized plans, focusing on needs such as housing, employment, and mental health services. This holistic approach ensures that individuals receive ongoing support and are guided towards long-term solutions.

  3. Community Integration and Trust Building
    Libraries are often seen as neutral and non-judgmental spaces, which makes them ideal for building trust with marginalized populations. Because libraries create a sense of community, they can encourage individuals to seek help and engage with available resources. This approach helps bridge gaps between service providers and those who might otherwise avoid seeking assistance due to stigma or previous negative experiences.

  4. Educational Workshops and Skills Training
    Libraries are also venues for educational programs and workshops. Social workers can leverage these opportunities to offer skills training, financial literacy classes, and other educational resources that empower individuals to improve their circumstances. These programs contribute to personal development and self-sufficiency, providing tools that can lead to greater stability.

Looking Forward

More big cities across the country are following suit and are arranging social workers in their public libraries. Clackamas County now has two libraries that provide the same services and hopefully other surrounding counties implement this innovative strategy as well. By applying the combined power of libraries and social workers there is a hope for more inclusive and effective strategies in the fight for secured housing for all. 

The collaboration between libraries and social workers increases a commitment to empathy, accessibility, and holistic support for its community members. It’s a testament to how reimagining traditional spaces can lead to meaningful progress in addressing one of society’s most challenging issues.

For more resources go to Community resource lists | Multnomah County Library (

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