
Friday, August 9, 2024

Preserving Dignity: The Dehumanization of Houseless People in Aid Work

Photo by Francine Orr

In a 2020 report, the United Nations stated that “homelessness is a profound assault on dignity, social inclusion, and the right to life” (UN, 2020). An often understated and ignored aspect of houseless outreach and aid is the need for not just food, water, and shelter, but for respect. 

The social marginalization of houseless peoples does not just exist on the streets but in the systems and structures we establish for supporting them. In a study conducted by the American Journal of Community Psychology, members of the houseless community were interviewed about how their dignity has been validated and violated. Many discussed the dehumanization of having one's identity stripped from them, not only as they are ignored by passers-by but also within shelters where they are treated as numbers with no acknowledgment of their individual experiences (Keys, 2001). 

Dignified approaches to supporting the houseless community center the individual so as not to isolate them in the aid process. These approaches focus on personal health and welcome houseless individuals to pursue their interests, offering them safe and empowering opportunities to re-engage with their communities. Regarding housing solutions, this means developing formats that prioritize privacy, work towards self-sufficiency, and cater to an individual's unique needs.

Advocacy projects such as Rose Haven, Old Town InReach, and Portland Street Medicine work to support personal health and stability in a way that is empowering and liberating for the individual. Rose Haven collects donations of unused clothes, books, toys, self-care products, and fresh food in an attempt to offer a range of new, clean, and personalized resources to their visitors. Old Town InReach connects houseless people with a range of housing opportunities on an individualized basis. PSM meets people where they are, offering personalized primary health care. Portland’s Artist Mentorship Program and Dinner and a Movie PDX work to engage the city’s houseless community with music, art, and film to offer creative outlets and spaces for learning and connection. These incredible services are linked below for those looking to support their missions or access their resources! 

The lack of dignity shown to the houseless community is a social injustice we must work towards healing because no matter what housing status, we all deserve to be seen and heard. 

Advocacy Projects: Click to help offer or receive personalized and dignified aid!
Rose Haven (offering personalized care for women and members of the LGBTQ+ community):

Old Town InReach Program (offering personalized housing solutions): 

Portland Street Medicine (offering personalized health care): 

Artist Mentorship Program (engaging the houseless community in art and music):

Dinner and a Movie PDX (providing a safe and fun community space to eat, watch films, and make friends):

Additional Reading: Click to learn more about this topic!

United Nations Report "Homelessness and Human Rights":

Article “Understanding Dignity in the Lives of Homeless Persons”:

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