Brothers and sisters, are you tired of being rejected from housing because of a prior drug related felony
conviction? In my 48 years of recovery from my own Alcoholism, Addiction and the related felonies
I picked up along the road, I encounter this distressing issue often. THE GOOD NEWS !!! Clear Clinic has helped thousands just like you get their records expunged (cleared) and it's free . . .
I have no affiliation with Clear Clinic and nothing to gain except the hope that another criminal addict or
alcoholic (like me) can get the fresh start we all deserve. For to many years those of us that experienced
trauma in our lives and used drugs to escape the pain, have been turned into criminals by an unjust legal system.
In my personal case that pain was primarily a result of my PTSD, contracted from my two tours in the Vietnam
war; Besides the trauma I experienced from those lived experiences, I had the misfortune of being born into
three generations of alcoholism. Trying to escape trauma shouldn't be a crime . . . We all can become productive; citizens, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters again and contacting
Clear Clinic is one path towards that goal.
Don't put it off contact them today . . .
Here is the link to their site at Portland Community College;
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