
Saturday, November 10, 2018

About Villages Northwest

Mission Statement of Villages Northwest:

"To enable more Pacific NW residents to successfully age in place by
developing and nurturing a network of sustainable, community-based 
villages throughout the region"

As we age over time, some us may find that we are not able to be as independent as we had once been. In the past, a situation like this may have been difficult to deal with and potentially costly. It is a dilemma that many families have likely gone through. One method that has been something of a standard for years which is to simply move into a retirement community when we find that we can no longer fully take care of ourselves. While this option may be valid for some, there may be others who want another option. It is a very natural thing to be concerned about. Fortunately, there is a solution.

Villages Northwest is an organization that provides an alternative for those who want to, as the organization puts it, "age in place" in the comfort of their own homes. They are a collection of different villages in the Pacific NW region of the United States. It was originally a website started by Anne Andler in 2011 which was primarily used used to raise awareness and bring people together in order to make a change. Over the years the organization has blossomed into multiple villages across the Pacific NW. And do not be fooled by their use of the word "village," it should not be confused with a retirement community. "Village" in this case acts as a metaphor and this is described quite nicely on the organization's website: "A "village" is a group of like-minded people in a geographic area who come together to figure out and develop the resources they will need to age comfortably in their own homes."

If we are not elderly now, one day we will be. Instead of going to a retirement community in order to get the resources you need, Villages Northwest will bring those resources and needs to you so that you, and many others, might stay in your own homes longer. These resources are provided by the organization itself and volunteers. What these resources are can be rather varied. These can be access to social or recreational services such as book groups, walks, biking, etc. Volunteers may also help with more serious needs as well like providing transportation to a medical appointment, minor home maintenance/repair, and much more. Even if you are not able to help as a volunteer, Villages Northwest also accepts donations which can easily be given through their website. Truly these metaphorical villages are helping those who want to simply age in place and are on the rise. According to Villages Northwest's website, there are currently 110 villages in the United States and there are 120 currently in development. It seems like there is nowhere to go but up.

 Learn more here:

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