
Saturday, March 14, 2020

Homelessness for LGBTQ+ Youth

Oftentimes when we encounter homeless individuals on the street, we judge them based on ideas that we make due to stereotypes. We judge individuals and see them as lazy, addicts, mentally ill, or even criminals. These stereotypes are harmful and don’t always hold the truth. Yet, sometimes, there is no other choice for them but to live on the streets and do what they can to survive. LGBTQ+ youth struggle to face this issue everyday. According to a study done by True Colors United, 40% of all youth who are homeless identify as LGBTQ+. Many of these young individuals are kicked out of their homes just because of their sexual preference or identity. Not only are they facing homelessness and being unaccepted by friends or family but they face serious threat on the streets. If other people disagree with who these young individuals identify as, they face assault, trauma, violence, doing anything it would take to survive, or facing early death. 

It is heartbreaking and tragic to know these kids are forced from their homes and onto the streets because who they are or who they love. It’s also disappointing to see that we are still living in such a society that perpetuates it. Family rejection is such a common occurrence and that can have lasting effects on these individuals such as depression, substance abuse, and attempted suicide. Rejection has a much higher mental and emotional effect on LGBTQ+ youth and it 60% of the time, it likely leads to suicide.  

Fortunately, there are many resources out there to help LGBTQ+ individuals get back on their feet, get jobs, get food, get housing, get guidance, or just someone there for them to talk to. The Trevor Project has always been there to defend LGBTQ+ youth, here is their link to learn more about what they can do:


Written by: Brianna Clifford

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