
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Thinking About Homelessness

Sometimes I wonder if there is a solution to our homeless crisis. I often wonder what could happen if there were more shelters and institutions for people to go to when they have no option. I think about the safety of shelters, or lack thereof that I've heard people talk about. My friend and I were talking and he mentioned that there was a study done about mortality on the homeless population when they were placed in safe housing. He said that the study that he read about said that since people didn't have the same fight or flight chemicals running through their body, their relaxed body from being secure was more susceptible to illness and mortality. I thought this was really interesting.

I was also thinking about ways we can do more for the homeless. One thing I think we should provide is more places to get clean needles. This would be good because it will reduce transmissions of any bacteria or disease. We also have lots of clothing options for the homeless, but it would nice to offer blankets and other sustainable necessities that make life easier.

The most helpful reform would come from having a better foster and adoption agencies in place. I have to question the ethicality of the programs in place as they are. There needs to be a better vetting process for people who want to adopt children, and there needs to be an easier process for adoption when there are really good parents waiting to care for a child. It is so upsetting to know there are children placed in bad foster homes where they are not treated well, and it's upsetting to know there are loving families waiting to adopt children that are waiting in a facility. It is painful to know there are homeless youth without their basic needs met.

I wonder how we can make these changes happen. I hope that for the sake of the homeless population, especially the homeless youth, we can make a difference sooner than later. 

By: Samantha High

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