
Monday, May 18, 2020

Homelessness and Coronavirus in Portland

Homelessness and Coronavirus in Portland

The Coronavirus pandemic has caused many hardships for the homeless due to lack of medical care, lack of resources and support, and many more obstacles. With their lives already being tough, the Coronavirus has added on many struggles and frustrations. In Portland, tents on the corners of streets will be seen, or in the doorways of businesses as these individuals are just trying to get any shelter they can. During this pandemic, Portland has opened three organized camps for homeless people during the Coronavirus. Two of the sites are located on SE Water Ave and one near the base of the Broadway Bridge. The first site prioritizes the LGBTQ community, the second one prioritizes people of color, and the third one is open for all others, mainly prioritizing the elderly. Each of the camps have 45 tents with cots inside, fully equipped with sleeping bags and supplies to keep clean and safe. 
Two of the three camps built to house people experiencing homelessness during the pandemic are adjacent to one another on Southeast Water Avenue. Residents began moving into the LGBTQ+ camp on Thursday, April 16. This photo was taken the following day. (Photo by Celeste Noche)
As the homeless are among the most vulnerable to COVID-19, it's important that they have the necessary resources available to them to keep them from getting sick and getting others sick. They have weakened immune systems due to their living conditions and Portland has taken a stance to try and help those living outside stay safe during this pandemic. Kate Brown's "Stay Home, Save Lives" order has caused those without a home to feel even more vulnerable. Many businesses and parts of Portland have shut down amid this crisis, which have caused our homeless neighbors to lose the resources that many of them depended on. 

The Coronavirus does not discriminate, so it's necessary that everyone stay safe. Homeless who have been displaced from their usual spots can turn to these camps for shelter, support, and safeness. If they haven't been able to get into housing or shelters during this crazy time, they won't be left with no options. 

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