
Monday, May 25, 2020

Homely for us, Homeless for some


Since the COVID-19 outbreak has spread globally, everyone from different communities have been
impacted in some shape or another. The homeless population have suffered one of the worst experiences.
In a time where everyone is told to stay home, the homeless community do not know where to go. They
are unable to practice social distancing like most of us do. Living out on the streets, next to grocery stores,
or in parking lots has been the norm for them, and the pandemic changed that.

While the more privileged face boredom in the comfort of their homes, the homeless population face a
higher risk of exposure to the virus, as well as transmitting it to others. Practicing personal hygiene
becomes a huge factor in their lives and being able to do it is difficult for them especially since many
shelters have closed their doors to practice social distancing. Luckily, there are steps that city officials
have started to take to ensure the virus is contained, even within the homeless community. Motel rooms
and outdoor shelters have been set up so that these people can obey the "Stay Home" order. More action
needs to be taken because if the homeless population have no shelter, the risk of them spreading the virus
is unpredictable, and untraceable considering where they would be living. For more information on what
the county is doing to prevent the spread, click on this link.

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