
Friday, October 16, 2020


2020 has been a year of uncertainty for all of us. Some of us are dealing with personal losses, career setbacks, financial and housing struggles, and all of us are looking with uncertainty at the global economy, housing market, and job economy. It can be hard to feel safe and secure when there are so many uncontrollable factors affecting our lives. Homelessness often occurs due to unforeseen or uncontrollable financial burdens, which is why it is important to take a hard look at our financial security and assess where we are at, and where we may be vulnerable to hardships and loss.

Financial security is more than simply having money in the bank or a roof over our heads.  Financial security includes our assets, sources of income, our debt to income ratio, our living expenses, our job security, and more. Our Financial security is affected by questions like: What would happen if you got sick and could not work?  What is your biggest financial expense and what would happen if this burden grew? If you could not pay all of your expenses, which ones would you pay first? We have to look at all these factors to calculate our financial security, and it's only after taking a hard look at our finances that we can plan and prepare for the unknown and work to prevent financial crisis and homelessness. 

Some questions we should be asking ourselves when assessing our 2020 financial security

  • How would you and your family be affected if you or a family member tested positive for COVID-19?
  • What would your household income look like if you or a partner lost your job due to employer cutbacks?
  • If you had no income coming in, how long would you be able to pay your expenses?
  • If you had a sudden or large emergency expense, would you be able to pay it?
  • What is the current cost of your housing and living expenses and how can you manage and lower these costs if need be?
  • What is the bare minimum income you need to maintain your housing or to find a more affordable housing option?

"Change what you can control, manage what you don't, and know the difference"-Peter Drucker

All these aspects of calculating financial security allow us to plan for the uncertain times, and unexpected financial burdens, that often lead to homelessness.  By knowing our current finances, and planning ahead, we can seek to avoid financial struggles and prevent homelessness. Everyone at every level of income and financial standing benefits from assessing their financial security and planning for the future. Creating a plan for your financial success and stability should not feel unreachable or unavailable to anyone. These links provide information and resources for calculating your financial security and planning ahead for financial struggles.

How to measure your financial security

Baby steps to beginning financial success​

Resources for low-income financial counseling 

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