
Saturday, November 28, 2020

Dehumanization of homeless

 Dehumanization of homeless  by Malik walker 

    Homelessness in America is in one of its all time highs, with lost of wages from jobs and people being forced out of there homes due the pandemic of covid 19 the world has been in  a spiral and it has caused a lot of financial hardship for many people 


according to "Of those, 194,467 (35 percent) were unsheltered, and 358,363 (65 percent) were sheltered. The overall homeless population on a single night represents 0.2 percent of the U.S. population, or 17 people per 10,000 in the population."  this  marker indicates a baseline showing percentages of homelessness before  the covid 19 pandemic began this year  due to the inability to come to a definitive percentage of homelessness since the years study is not over, but   through out  major states there has dramatic increases in the homeless population  for examples according to "An estimated 82,955 people became homeless in 2019, a 51% increase from the year before. About 64% became housed again on their own, which means on average, 207 people exit homelessness each day while 227 become homeless." 

 people tend to forget that homeless people are just people that have gotten into a bad situation. there is a fear that a lot of people have of the homeless acting as if they are monsters or are less then human. men and women across the nation suffer from finical hardships  due to extremely high cost of living in  certain states such as California, Oregon and other major cities.  state by "The website jumped in and did the math for us in their piece, “How Much Money You Need to Live Comfortably in the 50 Biggest Cities”. They calculated an annual income of $74,371 was about right for the average person to live comfortably in Los Angeles." while the average wages in California are 62,000 a year


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