
Sunday, March 10, 2024

Looking into our eco neglect

Whats ecological neglect?

Ecological neglect refers to how us as humans have failed to properly care for and protect the natural environment. This has led us to degradation, depletion, and loss of ecosystems and biodiversity.

11 Facts About Pollution |

How have we done this?

Deforestation Drives Disease, Climate Change and It's Happening at a Rapid  Rate

1. Deforestation: Clearing large areas of forests for agriculture, urbanization, logging, and other purposes without sufficient consideration for the ecological consequences, such as loss of habitat for wildlife, disruption of ecosystems, and contribution to climate change.

2. Pollution: Contaminating air, water, and soil with pollutants from industrial activities, transportation, agriculture, and waste disposal, leading to negative impacts on human health, wildlife, and ecosystems.

Oceans of pollution | Environment | Al Jazeera

3. Overfishing & overexploitation: Harvesting fish and other marine resources at rates exceeding their natural replenishment capacity, leading to depletion of fish stocks, loss of biodiversity, and disruption of marine ecosystems

Overfishing - Wikipedia

4. waste generation: Producing large quantities of solid waste, hazardous waste, and electronic waste without adequate recycling, reuse, or disposal strategies, leading to pollution, resource depletion, and negative impacts on human health and ecosystems.

In-Home Waste Audit - Saint Louis City Recycles

5. soil degradationPractices such as overgrazing, deforestation, intensive agriculture, and urbanization can lead to soil erosion, loss of fertility, desertification, and degradation of land, threatening food security and ecosystem stability.

The Deep Roots of Soil Degradation: Causes, Consequences, and Pathways  Forward

6. Climate change: Emissions of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels, deforestation, industrial processes, and other human activities are causing global warming and climate change, leading to various impacts such as rising temperatures, changing weather patterns, sea-level rise, and increased frequency of extreme events

Climate Change — As You Sow

The things that we do don't just affect us but they also affect others around us. Things like this have caused harm to many other places like Brazil, Southeast Asia, Australia, Artic regions, Australia , Africa and many other regions. If you want to see how bad it can get here's an article on Africa :

This just proves that the way in which we do things affects us all as a whole. Theres a need for urgent coordinated action to address environmental challenges and promote sustainable development world wide. 
If you would like to see what you can do to better our ecological neglect there's some links provided:

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