
Thursday, March 7, 2024

One of the most prevalent and intricate challenges that Portland has faced in recent years is that of the houselessness crisis. As our city has grown and changed since the pandemic, so have the lives of those who live on the streets. According to, between 2015 to 2023 houseless individuals have increased 65% (from 1,887 individuals to 6,297).

Although this is a complicated issue, by further delving into the landscape of houselessness in Portland, it becomes apparent that a combination of economic, social, and systemic challenges have been main contributing factors that many individuals have found themselves entangled in. By understanding the underlying causes of this issue we can further our understanding and pave the way towards a more compassionate approach toward solutions. 

Houselessness is a complex social issue and the factors that contribute to it vary from individual to individual, and they interact in complex ways. After researching from multiple sources these are the following factors that have been proven to be contributing most.

Lack of affordable housing

One of the primary reasons for homelessness is the insufficient availability of affordable housing. According to sources the average cost of a house spiked from 383k in 2020 to 505k in 2024 in the United States.


Image source: Huffpost


With the rise in costs of living comes a higher rate of those who are struggling financially. Especially those with low incomes are more vulnerable to housing instability. 


Job loss and limited access to education for some individuals can create a cycle of unemployment.

Mental health issues

Many individuals experiencing homelessness also struggle with mental health challenges. The lack of access to mental health services, stigma, and inadequate support systems can worsen mental health issues and contribute to homelessness.

Substance abuse

Substance abuse issues can be both a cause and a result of being houseless. Individuals may turn to substances as a coping mechanism, and addiction can also contribute to their ability to maintain stable housing.

Family instability

Domestic violence and a lack of support systems are both contributing factors.

Systemic and Structural issues in society

Some individuals may face obstacles in access to healthcare, education and employment due to deeper issues in society such as discrimination and systemic poverty.

Lack of support services

In some areas, services to aid in fighting addiction and mental health care can be difficult to access and afford which can lead to further issues.

Image source: Letschatmoncton

To address this issue is to acknowledge that all of these contributing factors must be improved. The houselessness crisis is a deeper rooted issue and it is impossible to solve the issue without building a strong foundation that will support those who may be struggling financially, mentally or in other ways. Many individuals start out by struggling in one or more of the root causes listed above which creates a snowball effect and ends up creating new issues. These root causes are not an easy fix by any means but we must start somewhere for the betterment of our society and those living in it.

Image source: Jason Rowles

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