
Sunday, February 5, 2017

Where to Begin with Eco-Cleaner

Nowadays there are so many “eco-friendly” products which are a positive representation of the human population becoming more aware of their impact on the planet. But which ones are better than others? Sometimes it can be hard to tell if it’s merely just a marketing and advertising ploy or if these products really do reduce one’s carbon footprint. Here are some questions you can ask yourself when you’re shopping for your next eco-friendly household product. 
  1. Where do the ingredients come from? Are they naturally occurring materials or renewable resources? Renewable is even better! 
  2. What are the byproducts of its production? For example, Vinyl is made from petroleum, which is a natural non-renewable resource. Its production is negative to our environment because it releases toxins into the atmosphere. 
  3. How was the product delivered or installed? If it has to travel long distances to get to its final destination, then it’s not as good as something that was manufactured and sold locally. 
  4. How is the product used? If it lasts a long time and doesn’t produce toxins or pollutants, then that’s a good sign!
  5. Does the product contribute to health problems in animals, humans, or the eco-system? Not processed and natural tend to be better. Products tested on animals are negative because they pose potential health risks to them. 
  6. How is the product disposed of? If it can’t be recycled or reused, then it’s probably not good, unless it being disposable doesn’t negatively affect the environment. 

If you remember these simple questions to ask yourself when you’re shopping and take a minute to analyze the product you’re needing to purchase, then you can have a great impact on our environment. By making careful and thoughtful consumer choices you can reduce the use of our non-renewable resources, like oil. 

Check out Tree Hugger’s list of 10 Eco-Friendly All Purpose Cleaners for more ideas and information!


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