
Thursday, August 6, 2020

How Our Cities Architecture harm our Houseless Communities

Anti-design is a newer trend in design in urban planning, the purpose of which is to ensure that areas are only being used for their intended use preventing people from using the area in undesirable ways. But these design tactics are often taken to extremes and can make the area ugly and almost unusable to the public. In Portland from the university district to Chinatown than to the south Waterfront you can find hostile or anti-design that was taken too far or was impractical to have in place. The main use of anti-design is to keep houseless from existing in these places or to make the place uncomfortable to exist in just these areas.

Examples that are often found are using stadium lights at night in open areas, in Portland we see this in Pioneer Square to the multiple areas that make it uncomfortable to lay down or sit. In many cases, these anti-design choices are used to keep people from destroying places from skateboarding or just to limit how long one will feel comfortable in these areas. Now anti-design is wrong creates dangerous places for people and makes it harder for those who do not have a home to find a safe place to exist. This trend in anti-design needs to be ended as it harms so many people and makes so many places so uncomfortable and unsafe. We must take action to remove these anti-design designs.

It is time to take action and here is a place to start that will take only moments to help! As well as articles to further your education in anti-design.





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