
Friday, August 12, 2022

Extended Stay Hotels and Motels- Why Are They Important to Solving Our Homelessness Crisis?

Extended stay hotels once made up a significant portion of the last level before being on the streets for a large portion of the United States. In the seventies and eighties, these started being phased out as cities decided that they attracted those that the government viewed as undesirable, and who brought down the value of a neighborhood. While these hotels were definitely not the nicest of places, and they did come with some worries of crime, they could be made fairly safe places, and as an area of last resort before living on the streets, they were incredibly important. 

Today we are starting to see these extended stay hotels pop up again, and they are drastically needed. As our housing shortage continues to exacerbate, and as our entry level rental prices drastically increase, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep people at the end of their rope from having to resort to the streets. Extended stay hotels give us a resource to get people into housing, and help pull themselves out of homelessness, if you see one going up in your city, this may be one reason to help encourage it.

NPR- Extended Stay Hotels, Why We Need Them


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