
Friday, February 16, 2024

Eco Friendly renovations for Portland OR homeowners; Environmentally sustainable living

Why go green? 

In order to improve our environment we need to start making individual changes. Everyone doing their part creates a closer step into environmental sustainability. Eco friendly renovations around the home could seem like small changes but could ultimately have huge benefits to our environments. It could overall bring many benefits to live in an eco-friendly household. Energy efficient, cost effective and environmentally sustainable are some of the characteristics of these eco friendly homes.

From reducing carbon footprints and minimizing energy consumption to creating healthier indoor environments and drastic economic savings, the advantages of taking part in eco friendly housing is much deeper than just taking care of our environment it also brings many benefits to your finances.


Energy efficient windows and doors

Upgrading to energy efficient windows and doors can reduce the heat loss during the winter and heat gain during the summer. This can diminish the reliance many have on heating and cooling systems .

Solar Panels

Solar panels on your roof while also looking really futuristic allows for clean, renewable energy to generate from the sunlight. This will benefit you and lower your electricity bill over time as well as reduce your dependance on fossil fuels .  

Solar Cheat Sheet: Your Guide to Getting Solar Panels - CNET

Energy efficient appliances

These appliances will also save you money on utility bills and reduce your homes carbon foot print. These also consume much less energy than regular appliances. 

Appliances & Electronics | Town of Eagle, CO - Official Website

LED Lighting

 While it doesn't seem like it would make a drastic change, LED lightbulbs actually have a drastic impact on amount of energy used and use a lot less than regular traditional bulbs. These also last longer than regular bulbs so its a win win at the end for the homeowner. Reducing both energy consumption and waste plus saving money, easy win. 

LED Lighting Pros and Cons | Destination Lighting

Water saving fixtures

Installing low flow faucets , shower heads and toilets to reduce water usage can also make a huge difference. Doing this doesn't affect the performance of the fixtures but it does save you money on your utility bills and water usage overall. 

Codes Corner: Water efficiency is critical to creating sustainable and  resilient communities | 2021-05-04 | Plumbing & Mechanical

Rainwater Harvesting system

Setting up a rainwater harvesting system can be very beneficial especially living in Portland where its always raining . This will collect water from your roof and gutters and the water can then be used for landscaping, flushing toilets, washing clothes etc. It would benefit your reliance on municipal water sources. 

Rainwater Harvesting: A Beginner's Guide

In conclusion, becoming an ecofriendly home can benefit our environment and our community as well as your overall expenses. Going green is only beneficial in the long run and could be a huge improvement towards bettering our planet. Going green can involve starting with some of the examples I provided above. These is just one step closer to an eco friendly world. 

If you're interested in making your home eco friendly, here are some links with more information on eco friendly homes: 


Koengkan, M., Fuinhas, J. A., Oliveira, F. P., Ursavaş, U., & Moreno, N. (2023). Building a Sustainable Future: How Eco-Friendly Homes Are Driving Local Economic Development in Lisbon Metropolitan Area. Energies (Basel)16(13), 4855-.

15 benefits of an ECO friendly lifestyle you can experience now. Daybring. (2022, April 18). 

Ourclients. (2023, March 27). The rise of Green Advantage Homes: Why Portland, Oregon is embracing sustainable living. Portland Custom Home Builder. 

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