
Thursday, June 13, 2024

Affordable and sustainable Housing: A crucial Step toward Ending Homelessness

Affordable and sustainable Housing: A crucial Step toward Ending Homelessness 

The government and those in positions of authority play a crucial part in putting an end to homelessness and providing general support to those who suffer with this issue. Because the government has both the authority and financial means to make any changes. We have been promised for years that there will be affordable housing and that those who are homeless will be able to find a place to live. Numerous individuals who wanted to secure the votes of people for any elected office, including governor and president, have pledged to make this happen. However, millions of people are still homeless as of right now in our country. There are many benefits to affordable housing, not just for those who are homeless but also for everyone else who are looking for affordable housing.

Regrettably, one of the main causes of homelessness in the United States is the high cost of renting. I have seen a number of families who were dealing with homelessness as a result of failure to pay high rent. Moreover, there is a strong relationship between homelessness and high rent. “It is clear that one of the major factors contributing to homelessness today is the lack of affordable housing and the significant increase in rental demand experienced in the past decade.” ( Clark, 2016.) Why doesn't our government even try to make this happen, considering how much money it has? Why it's still not possible to implement the project of providing affordable housing. As of right now, studies and research demonstrate the significant impact that affordable housing can have on reducing homelessness. We recommend reorienting homelessness prevention from work with identified at-risk persons to efforts to increase the supply of affordable housing and sustainable sources of livelihood nationwide or in targeted communities” ( Shinny et al, 2001.) The importance of affordable housing for addressing and ultimately preventing homelessness was eloquently explained in this essay. Putting housing at a price that people can afford to rent is known as affordable housing. This will break the cycle of homelessness and strengthen the economy. Despite the fact that there are numerous groups and organizations fighting homelessness, it is evident that they are not successful given the daily rise in the number of homeless individuals. There are many countries our there like Switzerland, Thailand, Iceland with lowest rate of homeless community. What are the doing right that we are not ? Isn't America the greatest country in the world with more power and money ? Why can we use some of that power and money to save our homeless community.

Hopper, K. (2023, December 9). The prevention of homelessness revisited. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy.

Homelessness and the Affordable Housing Shortage. (n.d.).

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