
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ways of Reducing Emissions

Use of personal vehicles less often: sometimes it is not always important to drive to some places like a friend’s house, market, and salon or even to the office. To reach some of these places one can ride a bicycle; use a public means or even walking. By reducing the use of personal vehicles by 10% the emission of green house gases can be reduced by 0.2 to 0.8 tons in every year.
Driving moderately: While driving one should make sure that they accelerate gradually. This will help in saving fuels as well as reducing the amount of emissions released as a result of combustion.
Maintaining vehicle in good condition: A well maintained engine consumes half the amount of fuel it would have consumed when under bad condition. This ensures that less fuel is used and so fewer emissions are released to the environment.

Maintaining thermostat at a lower level at home: For every degree of temperature that is reduced there is 3% reduction in the heating costs.

Use of microwave more often: Using stovetop element consumes twice the energy consumed by a microwave oven.

Reducing the consumption of energy by the computer: There are some energy saving tactics that can be enabled in the computer. In case the computer is not in use, it is always good to turn it off. Use of computer hardware that does not consume a lot of energy is highly recommended. For example using LCD monitors instead of CRT monitors saves around 50- 70 % of energy consumption.

Reducing the consumption of electricity. Natural lighting should be utilized when available instead of lighting a bulb. Any room or space that is not occupied should not have the lights left on.
Drying clothes in the sunlight can help reduce the amount of energy consumed by clothes dryer. This in return reduces the amount of emissions.

While shopping individuals can buy appliances that are energy saving. This way they save energy and money too.

Public should be receptive to new ideas: In the world today people are always being given the new solutions and technologies that are saving on energy. Though it may be hard to leave the old habits the public should try to make efforts in everything that they do this can go a long way to saving the environment.

By: Noor Alzayer

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