
Thursday, November 10, 2011


Little details matter and make a huge difference in a home. When was the last time you stopped and looked at your window? Not just through it to see outside but the way it is composed. Verde Windows who are Energy Star and National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) approved and certified can save you money and are environment friendly; reducing its energy usage and contributing your home to become eco-friendly.

 The US Department of Energy states, “United States is the world’s largest single emitter of carbon dioxide, accounting for 23% of energy-related carbon emissions worldwide. Even closer to home – our houses.” Further stating that 43% comes from heating and cooling systems. In which “…United States emit 150 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year.” We can simply reduce this little, unnoticeable energy efficient change that will drastically reduce carbon emissions.

Verde Windows contain four standard features that make them get their approval and certification from the NFRC. These features consist of a double contoured mainframe that contains polyurethane core, making them a double-hung window. PolyFoam is feature that frames around the window with a polyurethane foam and insulates the in between cavities between the window and the home’s frame. Making these windows highly sustainable and wanted to save our environment. Looking at the chart below:

Orientates you to the type of energy efficient window your home would need to help save mother earth!

Article found here: Verde Windows 
BY José G. Jiménez

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