
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Promote Green Buildings for Biggest, Easiest Emissions Cuts, Says New CEC Report

In the fight against emissions, we must not only fix what humankind has destroyed, but we must also take pre-emptive measures in order to reduce emissions. This article published by Green Business examines a report issued by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC); the report asserts that green buildings may prove to be one of the greatest contributors in working against emissions, and not only possibly one of the more effective efforts, but also cheaper.

According to the article: “North America’s buildings cause the annual release of more than 2,200 megatons of CO2 into the atmosphere, about 35 per cent of the continent’s total.” These numbers are staggering, and show that it is imperative to rethink our buildings and infrastructure, keeping potential effects on the environment in mind. The report maintains that energy usage is reduced between 30-70% in advanced green buildings, and with numbers like these—what is there to question? Transitioning to green buildings is the most sensible solution for the emissions problem.

As students at PSU, we have access to our very own green building. The Sixth Avenue Building was designed with the contributing to a healthier environment as a key factor. The building was designed and is operated using alternative methods, and is LEED-certified showing PSU’s commitment to the environment.
-Sara O’Connell

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