
Monday, January 27, 2014

Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Our Oceans

   The earth’s climate is ever-changing.  However, in recent and upcoming years this climate change is happening at a more rapid rate.  This leaves species with a more difficult time adapting to changes in the climate.  In turn, biodiversity is threatened by this rapid climate change.  When ecosystems are not able to adapt accordingly, losses happen and set off a chain reaction to all species involved.  Humans should be concerned with this threat to biodiversity due to how much we rely on the balance of an ecosystem for our survival.  A rapid change in climate could reduce the amount of fresh water, plants we derive medicines from could become extinct, and our food chain may drastically change.  Climate change plays a large role in maintaining biodiversity and choices we make that harm the climate are contributing to the swift change in our climate and ecosystems.  

   One area where climate change is affecting the biodiversity of an ecosystem is our oceans.  Many think of climate change affecting land and land animals however, oceans and sea life are experiencing a decline in biodiversity.  Rapid melting and higher carbon dioxide in the oceans is resulting in negative changes for all sea life.  In a report by it is noted:  “today’s change is occurring rapidly, giving many marine organisms too little time to adapt. Some marine creatures are growing thinner shells or skeletons, for example. Some of these creatures play a crucial role in the food chain, and in ecosystem biodiversity.”  We may not be able to stop climate change.  However, we can play a role in slowing the change, in turn, sustaining biodiversity in all ecosystems.

Posted By: Mary Hoefler
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