You may know Nestle from the delicious homemade cookies that
you may or may not have made as a child. For me making Nestle Toll House Cookies are
some of my fondest memories that I have as a child. Yet there is something else
that Nestle is known for and that is water. Nestle is the owner of such brands as
Perrier, Poland Springs, Arrowhead, and Nestles’ own brand Nestle Pure Life. As
of late Nestle has been in the spotlight concerning its bottled water
operations. Of most note is the story concerning Nestles’ chairman and former CEO
Peter Brabeck Letmathe purported statement that water is not a basic human
right during a documentary in 2005, a statement which he claims has been taken
out of context. Mr. Letmathe claims his statement was
to address over-consumption
by some while others suffered from lack of water and further that his remarks
were taken out of context by the documentary. That being said this was not the
last time that Nestles‘ water operations have reached the headlines. In a
dispute that began in 2012 and continues today, according to various news
sources such as Aljazeera America Nestle
has come under fire during a battle for water rights in Fryeburg Maine. This
dispute has claimed the positions of several public servants serving in Fryeburg. As well as disputes in drought stricken California where under the well-known
bottled water company Arrowhead
Nestles’ practices are coming under fire as a parched California is looking for
ways to provide for its ever growing populations. No matter what your feelings
about Nestle as a company, these stories are a signal, a signal
that water is becoming a scarcer and scarcer resource, a resource that now more
than ever is garnishing the attention of major news sources. We as a society need to pay attention.
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