
Friday, August 17, 2012

Even More Reasons to Clean Green!

            This site is packed with information regarding the many reasons to go green and the products you need to do it. The top reasons to clean green are the environmental and health impacts it can create.

            Of course the environmental impacts seem obvious… no chemicals! However, a less obvious impact of the chemically infused cleaners is that the packaging they come in is also a big issue. describes why the packaging can create big issues for our environment as well:

“Not only are there innumerable products but they come in a great range of packages. Many products used to come in aerosol cans, containing a propellant gas, often chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which, although non-toxic and chemically inert, were proven to damage the ozone layer. The Montreal Protocol set targets for reductions in CFC use and most aerosols now use ‘ozone-friendly’ propellants. But aerosol cans still contain a high proportion of packaging to contents and are not easy to recycle. Many products come in plastic containers, which are light and durable and can be recycled in some areas, but otherwise are very slow to biodegrade. You may be able to buy refills, and buying concentrated products or in bulk also reduces the amount of packaging.”

            The packaging can be damaging to our ozone layer and it also contributes to our overflowing landfills. This in turn affects not only our environment, but also our health! The ozone layer is an important layer of our atmosphere separating us from the harmful rays radiating from the sun.

Still need convincing? Besides these important health factors, the chemicals in cleaning products can create serious health problems as well. As informs us,

“When consumed or absorbed through the skin, they may have harmful effects, be toxic, cause cancer or cause birth defects.”

In addition, the chemicals in cleaning products can be very damaging to our environment, which, by default, can also lead to health issues. notes,

“The major concern is the chemicals which cleaning products contain. There are thousands of chemicals in common use and many have not been tested for safety, though the effects of many are known. They may pollute streams and rivers and may take a long time to degrade into harmless products. Some may not break down at all but may persist in the environment. These may enter the food chain, being eaten by aquatic creatures and perhaps eventually by us.”

Some cleaning products are so toxic that action must be taken. stated,

“Greenpeace’s ‘Chemical Home’ campaign sought a ban on the use of the most toxic products. Greenpeace identified domestic products that frequently contain chemicals from the European Union list of chemicals “Of Very High Concern”. These may be found in carpets and curtains, toys and televisions, computers, cosmetics and perfumes, but rarely labeled and never seen.”
Luckily, a few breakthroughs have occurred. One example is as states,
“Detergents are all now biodegradable, though some may break down quicker than others, but they often contain chemicals which may cause problems. Phosphates can cause eutrophication, upsetting the balance of nutrients in rivers and streams, while many products also contain enzymes, bleaches, brighteners and perfumes. People with sensitive skin or allergies may find these substances may aggravate their condition.”
            As you can see, there is still a lot of work to be done to improve our environment and protect our health. By making just one small life change and switching to green cleaners, as Ghandi said, you could “be the change you want to see in the world”.
***Note: The Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration has an excel spreadsheet available that alphabetically lists hazardous chemicals and rates how dangerous each chemical is considered. A link to the website is available by clicking here

- Aimee Engle

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