
Monday, December 3, 2018

Using Villages to Deter Racism

As time goes on, society seems to become more progressive. There are more conversations happening about race issues that help to make changes for a more diverse world. Despite this progression, many seem to agree that older people are more racist, and there is data that backs this up. The numbers show that younger people are more progressive than older people on multiple topics, not just race.

While many people chalk this up to older people coming from a different time, this isn’t necessarily true. We as people can learn to be less prejudiced, and many of us do. Many people initially tie their own stereotypes to certain races, but then we make a conscious effort to not think this way. Unfortunately, as time goes on and our bodies and minds deteriorate, it becomes harder for some older people to keep their biases and prejudices in check.

However, this can be combated. Helping older people to stay involved, active, and sharp keeps their bodies and minds working like they always have. Preventing the body and mind from breaking down helps to keep our biases and prejudices in check. Also, continuing to face different and diverse viewpoints helps, as well. This is why Villages can help deter racism in older people.

Villages help older people be active and socialize with other older adults. Many Villages also allow younger generations to interact with older people, from children to college students, due to their maintained connection to their community. Interacting with people of different backgrounds, generations, and potentially different races help everyone involved to be exposed to a variety of viewpoints and break down the prejudices we hold.

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