
Monday, June 10, 2019

Root Causes of Homelessness

Image result for eviction clipart
There are a multitude of reasons that cause people to become homeless. There are also a multitude of misconceptions on these causes such as refusal to work, laziness and lack of motivation. This may be the case for a few but this certainly is not the story for most houseless individuals. Listed below are some of the most common causes of homelessness we are currently facing within the United States.

Lack of Affordable Housing
Currently, there is a massive lack of affordable housing across the nation that is forcing people out of their homes onto the streets. Without these affordable options people face instability and eviction causing them to turn to the streets for refuge.

Low Income
People who are on a very limited income that are not able to earn more than minimum wage are often forced to decide between surviving or paying their rent. Often, they do not earn enough to pay for food, transportation, clothing, and a home and are forced to decide what is more important.

Health Issues
Health problems are also a cause of homelessness as well. Whether an individual is diagnosed with a disease and occurs a mountain of medical expenses or someone with mental or physical disabilities has no one to turn to for care they can lead to living on the streets. Homelessness can also cause health issues that go untreated.

Escaping Violence
When people are being mentally or physically abused and have no one to turn to they may become homeless in order to escape their abuser. This is a common occurrence with domestic violence issues.

Racial Disparities
Minority groups make up a large portion of the overall homeless population across the nation. These disparities in resources, education, opportunities as well as gentrification are all contributors to the disproportionate share of homeless minorities.

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