For the millions of Americans living
in urban area's, lawn care and maintenance might not be a pressing
issue. Water scarcity on the other hand, is becoming a more serious
problem across the U.S. Whether or not you spend your
weekends manicuring a garden, or simply tending to house plants, most
of us have a shared desire to be closer to nature. Depending on where
you live in the country, limits on water usage due to global warming
are forcing people to get creative with gardening. Succulent
gardening is just one way to keep nature close, without depleting the
earth of valuable resources along the way. Instead of worrying about
mass water usage, toxic chemicals, and pesky lawn clippings,
succulent gardening allows us to feel close to nature without
breaking the bank or the environment.
Since succulents need very little
water, and can grow almost anywhere, they are perfect for landscaping
projects small and large. Succulents can even grow on walls! These
succulent projects below, would be a lovely and Eco-friendly addition
to any home.
This succulent cinder block wall is a cheap way to add
dimension and color to your patio without grass

This creative succulent wall was built as a
space and water saving solution
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