Recycling: Old Story, New News.
By: Travis Galbraith
The saying Reduce Reuse, Recycle is as popular as Nike’s
slogan Just Do It. But what do we know? Yes, we know we have recycling service
along with our trash service. You probably
know that we can put old newspapers, plastic bottles, glass bottles, and cardboard
boxes into your recycling can or box. Other than that, how much do you actually
know about recycling? Do you know what do with your old computer? What about
your old or unused motor oil? What about those drawers filled entirely pesky
plastic bag you have stored somewhere in your house?
Reducing Landfills
As a reminder recycling isn’t just for show and tell. Recycling greatly reduces the problem of
overflowing landfills. As most waste is put into landfill, the bigger the
problem gets. Products that are not biodegradable or slow to decompose can
remain in landfills for centuries, often emitting gases that could be harmful
to the environment.
Reduce Energy Consumption
Recycling often uses less energy than manufacturing products
from virgin sources. Making paper that is using recycled pulp, for instance, is
less energy intensive that using new wood.
Decrease Pollution
Waste from landfills gives off gasses as it rots. The
absolutely pollutes the environment, and if you have driven past one you know
how they smell in the summer time on a hot day. Recycling products also emits
less carbon which reduces the carbon footprint of a product.
Your local community is there to help, giving you the
opportunity to act responsibly with the products you purchased and used up.
Here is a list of common products people use in the household if recycled and
help reduce the harmful effects of just throwing them into the landfill.
Unbroken glass: Only bottle glass is acceptable. Exceptions: Ceramics, Pyrex, windows, mirrors, and light bulbs.
Clean and Dry Newspapers: Pack newspapers tightly in brown grocery bags or tie with twine to keep together. Exceptions: Product samples, moldy or dirty newspapers, and other contamination.
Empty metal cans, caps, lids, bands and foil: Metals can be recycles over and over again. Exceptions: Full cans, spray cans (unless instructed) cans with hazardous paint or waste.
Plastics #1 and #2 (marked usually on the bottom): This one is tricky, because there are a lot of exceptions, most plastics aren’t recyclable numbers 3, 4,5,6,7 especially #3.
Motor Oil: Contact your garbage company, local quick lube/tire shop or call 1800-MOTOROIL
Automotive batteries: Take to an automotive or security dealer for recycling or trade in.
Laser/Ink printer cartridges: Search for the brand of the cartridge online and contact their recycling division.
I-pods, Laptops, computers: Contact the manufactures via the web for the best option. The batteries inside these electronics are extremely toxic a and should disposed of properly.
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