Soil-Transmitted Helminths (STH's)
STH are a groups of diseases that can infect humans through soil
that has been contaminated with faecal matter. They are most common in
developing countries and about two million people worldwide have been infected
with it. It is found in warm and moist climates where sanitation and hygiene is
poor and the water is unsafe. Soil transmitted helminthes occur when a person defecates outside near a garden, river or field or if the feces of an infected person
are used as fertilizer which then deposits the eggs of the worms in the soil. Common
types of helminthes are ascaris, whipworm and hookworm. People are infected with ascaris when the
contaminated soil is used as fertilizer people that come in contact with the
contaminated soil and touch their mouth or do not carefully cook and consume
the vegetables or fruits from the garden of contaminated soil. Hookworm eggs
hatch in soil and release larvae and can be transmitted through penetration of
human skin by walking barefoot on the soil. STH can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, anemia
and also effect growth and cognitive development. The first step to prevent STH’s
is to improving sanitation, spreading the word on personal hygiene and health
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