Ford announced they are partnering with SunPower to create an option that includes home solar panels and installation along with the purchase of an electric car. The panels are said to offset up to 1,000 miles of driving per day.
Although it’s a somewhat costly investment, it’s been heralded as a smart marketing decision by the two companies. Consumers who wouldn’t normally have bought solar panels might invest in them once they see how it can further reduce the dependence on fossil fuels, since many are burned to maintain the power grid.
As usual, the Swedish furniture wunderkind Ikea feels the need to outdo the Americans, by making a push to retail solar panels in their vertigo-inducing mega-stores. Ikea has poured money into various starts-ups to develop a product ready for mass production. Once they hit the shelves, I’m sure it will bring solar panels to millions of homes across the US, because they will probably be adorable and cost less than ten dollars. I love Ikea.
In an effort to further outdo and embarrass American companies, Ikea has furthered their commitment to using 100% sustainable energy. They’re looking to install nearly 40,000 solar panels across the roofs of their UK stores. They’re also looking to take ownership of a large wind farm off the coast of Scotland. Steps like these not only make people like me fall in love with Ikea even more, they’re also smart business solutions. Owning the means to power your operation could mean a lot of savings in the long term. Read about it here.
Although I can’t afford a new car right now, I can afford one dollar dish towels and 4 dollar meatballs. I’m going to go to Ikea and vote with my dollars. Sorry Ford, your head’s in the right place. Better luck next year.
You can read about more solar innovations, and about all the harmful effects of coal power, at our EcoPol Project Website.
By Jeff Kelsay
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