
Friday, May 29, 2015

Growing A Community

by Patrick Anderson

As I begun to ponder my next idea for the blog, I looked down on the table and saw the new iPhone cord I've been using for a month or so. I got this cord through a program my wife and I are a part of, which is called Birch Community Services. This program is located in Portland, and essentially reuses and redistributed foods and goods. This program is based off of unused, expired, damaged and unwanted foods and goods, from stores and farms. These items are then redistributed to families in need, and then used to their full potential instead of it getting dumped into the garbage.

I can imagine this iPhone cord was a product that just sat on the shelf to long and couldn't be sold. Granted it doesn't have the sleek looking like Apple's cord, nor wraps up like one because it has more of a rectangle cord instead of round. But it still works perfect! Programs like this and others mostly operate off of volunteer time, from the community and from the families that are part of the programs. This program does the very thing we are trying to promote. Insuring more of these program grow and get out there would be a huge step for Obsolescence. Your time can help these programs grow!

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