
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer diagnosed in the United States. It is primarily caused by too much exposure to the ultraviolet rays. Skin cancer affects all people regardless of their skin tones. But those with light skin tone who get sunburn easily have a higher risk. There are three major types of the skin cancer; basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.

Most people don’t recognize skin as an organ, but actually it is your body’s largest organ. Sunlight makes us feel good, but not a lot of people know that exposure to the sun caused wrinkles and spots on our skin. Skin color that getting from being in the sun or sunbathing actually increases the risk for developing skin cancer. Some people still believe that a tan indicates good health, but, actually, it is the skin’s response to injury, it is a signal that your skin cells have been hurt by the UV rays and producing more pigments affecting a darker skin tone.

Reducing the risk of the skin cancer can simply be done by limiting or avoiding as much as possible to the UV rays or sunlight especially during the middle of the day, and always wear sunscreen or any kind of protective clothing and cap or sunglasses.  


For more information: Skin cancer

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